Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In the toliet.

So anyone with young kids knows how you never get to go to the bathroom alone, in peace anymore. Well Sienna was playing with some new hair bows I had just bought her. After I finished going to the bathroom and stood up she took the handful of hair bows and tossed them into the toilet! Note to self: close the lid before ANYTHING else when getting up (including pulling up your pants). Couldn't flush them so had to do the deed of getting them out of the toilet that unfortunately wasn't full of clean toilet water :( Thank God for wire hangers and a still large supply of gloves from my RN days.

Later in the day I was putting together the old kitchen table in the guest bedroom to use as a scrapbooking table. Sienna has seen me put together this table & take it down like 3 times in the last several months so she knew what to do. She picked up a table leg that's taller than she is & grunted as she brought it over to the table. Unfortunately I was running to get the camera & don't have a picture of her carrying it. But I do have some of her trying to take the nuts and washers off the bolt on the leg. Then after I put the leg in place and screwed on the bottom nut she insisted on trying to screw on the other nut herself. I did have to help show her which way to turn it round & round & round, as she says. Or more like "rou an rou an rou." But she has the basic idea of it.