Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Birthday Dinner

So we let Sienna pick what she wants for her Birthday Dinner. She can pick absolutely anything, except dessert things. I was sure she'd pick something like pizza, breakfast for dinner, or spaghetti. Nope. She picks, chicken, mixed veggies, & peaches. She actually at first picked fish & then said, "no, no, no, chicken! Chicken! I like chicken better than fish."


These again are from back when Stacey & Ashton visited.

Everyone was happy.

Then they got in trouble & now they are mad.

It's hard not to laugh when Ry's mad cause its so cute. She folds her arms & starts pacing back & forth.

She refuses to make any eye contact with me & is totally ignoring me.

Even when I step right in front of her.

Then she starts spitting. We joke saying, "Oh no, Rylie's spitting mad." She also does this if you serve her food she doesn't like.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm going to marry.....

Recently Sienna has been saying, I'm going to marry Ashton when I grow up. I tell her she can't because he's family and you can't marry your family. She gets really mad & insists on marrying Ashton & has said, "Then I'll pretend he's not my family!" So I've just quit telling her she couldn't.

Then yesterday she said, "I want to marry Ashton when I grow up, but I can't cause he's in my family, so I'm going to marry Tyler."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


A couple days ago Sienna got caught cutting a piece of her hair. When I asked her why she would cut her hair if she wants it to grow long like Tangled's, she said, "I cut a piece of my hair for Daddy to take back with him so he can take part of me with him an remember me until he comes home again."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Catch up photos from trip to Big Island

Way overdue photos from our most recent trip to the Big Island.

In a lava tube.

Enjoying the wind.Rough ocean.

Getting ready to hike over the lava.

Rylie looks like she's meditating, but I think she's just enjoying the wind :)

Very late night, so quick stop at Taco Bell & eating in the hotel room.

View from our hotel room.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

She'll be in my heart.

So today Sienna said something about Josie (her "most favorite friend in all of school"), not being there anymore cause she moved far away:
Me: "Does that make you sad?"
Sienna: "A little, but it'll be ok. When people I love go far away then I will always have them in my heart. Josie is starting to grow a little bit in my heart right now. So we don't have to worry."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Poo poo. Potty

The girls were in the bath playing & I was putting something away in their room when I heard Rylie say, "Poo poo. Potty." I came around the corner & she was standing in the tub.
Me: "Rylie did you say poo poo?"
Rylie: "Uh huh. Potty."
Me: "You have to go poo poo?"
Rylie: "Uh huh."
So I took her out put her on the potty & she went poo! Sienna & I cheered for her telling her how good it was she told me & what a big girl she is. This is the 2nd time she's pooed on the potty, has never peed on it yet. She did hang onto my shirt sleeves for dear life though :)


1) At the park there were a bunch of older kids that appeared that were about 8 - 10 yrs old. They were very wild & running over the little kids, climbing up the slide while the little ones were coming down & just climbing over the little ones, running past them & knocking them over, etc. Suddenly I hear Rylie starting to cry & before I could get to her I hear Sienna yelling, "Guys! Stop guys! You have to go slow cause my baby sister goes slow and you're scaring her!"

A few minutes later Rylie is sitting down at the top of the slide & some of the kids started to step over her to cut in front of her. Sienna blocks them & says, "No! It's my baby sister's turn next, she was here first!"

I was so loving the way she stands up for Rylie & watches out for her, but also so surprised that she was not intimidated by these "big kids."

2) Not sure what they were playing but I hear Rylie yell, "Daddy! Daddy!" Sienna then says, "Daddy isn't here anymore. He's gone, so we can play with a pretend daddy."

3) Paul should be here Monday or Tuesday!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Picnic dinner at the beach with friends.

The kids had a great time sharing our weekly tradition of a dinner picnic by the lagoons with Terri, Karis & Micah.

Agh, these photos would be so much clearer if I had my EOS, instead of my small camera.

Love the way Karis helps Sienna across the boulders.

Running on the hill

Terri, brought Karis & Micah down to swim at the pool & then they joined us for a dinner picnic on "our hill" by the beach. The kids had over an hour of fun just running & playing on the hill.

Playing in a tide pool.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Day at the Park with Friends.

These big trees in Hawaii make great natural jungle gyms.
Toads hide in therm too.

Having trouble getting out of her seat in the tree.
Learning about plants, caterpillars, & butterflies.