Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Armstrong & Palmer Christmases

At Grandma & Grandpa Armstrong's
With Uncle Bob
With Uncle Tom
Helping Aunt Amy hand out gifts.
Uncle Rob helping Rylie open gifts.
Cuddle on Uncle Bob
Jen & Sienna's friend Olivia (also Paul's goddaughter)
Christmas Eve before the children's Mass
Christmas Day with cousins Ashton & Makenna
Hard to get shot of all 4 cooperating

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Catch up!!!

So some extremely busy wks & I haven't posted for awhile. Sorry Paul :( So this post is some pictures to catch up & then tomorrow I will try to post the Christmas pictures. The girls are often found sitting on the sides of the nightstand between Ry's crib & Sienna's bed.
I was upstairs putting laundry away & thinking it was way way too quite & they must be into something. I was pleasantly surprised to come down & find this :)
Getting Sienna's baby fine hair into a bun for her dance recital was not easy.
Pictures before the recital. Couldn't get video to upload.
Sienna made her own Advent wreath. And idea I got from the blog Catholic Icing.
The finished product.
Then I explained the advent wreath to her. Not sure how much she got, but yr after yr & it'll sink in eventually. Then we lit the appropriate candle at dinner every night & said a little prayer a friend sent me that is great for children. "Loving Jesus, we are getting ready for your birthday. Come into our hearts and give us you love, your light, and your salvation."

These are an angel craft I had the girls send with their Christmas gift to Paul. I did Rylie's as Sienna copied what I did. Other than painting Sienna's hand & doing the halo, she did it all herself. And she did the stars on Rylie's too.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Eval from Sienna's school

Evaluation from Sienna's school that identifies their strongest ability. This will not be a surprise to anyone who knows her. As her teacher said, "The words seem to just flow out of her effortlessly."

Your child has exceptional linguistic ability.

Your child can hear things and remember them easily. They are often advanced readers and learn to talk quickly. They enjoy telling stories. They learn other languages easily. They can generalize how their language is put together in written and spoken form readily.

Some good activities for your child are as follows:

Word games such as scrabble, crossword puzzles, anagrams, spelling games and most of all, reading. Your child will probably start writing at a young age, so have plenty of pencils, crayons, and paper handy.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sienna's Dance Rehearsal

She's in the front 3rd from the left.

Daddy's video

So Paul made a video of him reading stories to the girls & then we got the DVD & the books he read in the mail. So the first time they watched it after a few minutes Sienna said, "Daddy I wuv you." Then after a few more seconds, "DADDY I SAID I WUV YOU!" A few more seconds, "Mommy! Daddy's not talking to me!"

5 Fat Chickens