Sunday, September 30, 2012

Laundry letters and Noah's Ark

The girls had to match the laundry with the same upper and lower case letter and hang them together on the clothesline.

We read Noah's Ark and made a rainbow mobiles.  On the first 3 hearts the girls together came up with 3 things God promises us and then they each came up with 3 ways they can please God to write on the other 3 hearts.  Here are the girls' answers.
Three things God promises to us (together): 
1) To forgive us when we are sorry
2) That He loves us
3) That Jesus died on the cross so He can forgive us
Three ways you can please God (Sienna):
1)  Loving my sister and taking care of her
2) Listening to my Mommy
3) Acting kind like a princess
Three ways you can please God (Rylie):
1) Sharing my toys
2)  Picking up sticks for Daddy
3) Forgive someone when they hurt me

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Apple Orchard

Monday we went to the apple orchard.  The girls loved it and didn't want to stop so we ended up with 20 lbs of apples!  We might have to share, or make lots of applesauce!

 Two buckets full and Sienna insisted on pulling them back herself.  She had to take a lot of breaks toward the end, but still kept insisting she was strong and she could do it.
 We also purchased some mums!  One of my favorites.
 Art with apples:  We cut an apple in half and dipped it in paint to make "flower bouquets".
 Rylie didn't want to do that and instead painted about 10 apples herself.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Color mixing

We did more color mixing with food coloring in water.

 I made this sheet for them so they could color in the primary colors they were mixing and what their results were.  They now have these hanging up to refer to, which Sienna actually does quiet often when painting. 
Read Genesis about creation so they cut up magazines to make a poster of God's creations.
After Ry does this, which is almost daily the floor needs a good sweeping.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Sienna has been using counting bears for math and Ry cried because she didn't have any bears so I gave her the big ones and had her sort them by color.
 Sienna playing the Add It game from Confessions of a  Homeschooler with the smaller bears.

 Our cheap self-made moveable alphabet for spelling/reading. It fit perfectly in those bead organizers from Michael's  :)

 The girls' made friendship flowers.  We looked at real flowers and talked about how flower petals by themselves are delicate and they need a strong center to hold them together and how that makes the delicate petals all connected on some level.  Then we went inside and talked about how God is the strong center that holds everything in the world together.  So we wrote God in the center.  We then had each of our flower petals represent a different area in our life:  self, family, community, and nature.  We talked about how God holds all that together and how all those parts of our lives are interconnected.  Then the kids glued the pictures that represented each of the areas in their life and then glued the flower, stem and petals on. 

After that I asked them some questions about each of these areas.  Here are their answers.
Questions about you:
What do you like to do on the weekend?  Go on the train to look at butterflies
What is your favorite color?  Pink & Green
What is your favorite song?  Lullaby
What do you like to eat?  Strawberries & whip cream
Where is your favorite place in the world?  Kansas
What makes you happy?  Grandma
Questions about family:
Name 3 things you like about your family:  They're there when I feel alone, they give me food, that my sister is silly

What is special about  your family?  That my daddy works so my mommy can stay home & take care of us
Where does  your family like to go?  Hiking
Who makes you laugh the most?  Rylie
What is your favorite family memory?  All of them cause my family's always with me
Community questions (after I explained what community meant ):
How do people in your community fit into your life?  Sometimes they are my friend.  Sometimes they work at places we go.
How do you feel when you see people in your community?  I don't know.
Nature question:
What are 3 things you like about nature?  Goats, flowers, trees
Questions about you:
What do you like to do on the weekend?  I don't know.
What is your favorite color?  Purple & pink
What is your favorite song?  ABCs
What do you like to eat?  Mac & Cheese
Where is your favorite place in the world?  MeMa's
What makes you happy?  Grandma
Questions about family:
Name 3 things you like about your family:  My sister, they play with me, they snuggle me up
What is special about your family?  We had the water & ocean next to our house
Where does your family like to go?  To my cousin's
Who makes you laugh the most?  My daddy
What is your favorite family memory?  Playing crocodile lake when my daddy saves me and picks me up out of there.
Community questions (after I explained what community meant ):
How do people in your community fit into your life?  I don't know.
How do you feel when you see people in your community?  Happy
Nature question:
What are 3 things you like about nature?  Flowers, butterflies, rain

Ry singing the Doc McStuffins song

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The rest of the Goodnight Moon activities

They did some worksheets from the Harper Collins website:
They have a lot of worksheets & coloring pages for different children's books.  They also had a goodnight moon coloring page they kids could color on the computer.  Ry had a hard time with the mouse at first since she's never been on the computer, but she got it after a few tries.

 They played Match-It Rhyme.  With Sienna's help Ry made some matching word pairs too.

 We talked about making different colors by mixing the primary colors and after they mixed the blue & yellow paint even Ry hasn't forgotten that blue & yellow make green.

 This was our lapbook for Goodnight Moon.  Say & clap was learning syllables of words in the story.  We also related a bible verse to Goodnight moon that we read each day. 

 Sienna played memory but had to match rhyming words instead of the same picture.  Ry had to choose objects that were circles from a pile of pictures and glue them on the I Spy circle.  We also took animals from the story and learned an interesting fact about them, such as cows having 4 stomachs.
 They each illustrated the story & narrated it and then we glued it to the green cardstock they painted.  I prompted Ry with a couple questions for her narration.

 We watched another video about what made craters on the moon & then the girls used those magnet ball to make craters in powdered sugar.  Craters were noticeable on the camera, but when I uploaded it it wasn't.
 Then they made moons.  We mixed flour with the paint then used a water bottle to make the craters so the moon had texture.  We also made moon pies.  Ummm no picture, they taste ok, but they look awful.  That part didn't go to well.  Now Sienna is calling me the "moon teacher."

Red mitten Red mitten

The next day Ry wanted to match her mittens again an then she wanted to be the teacher and ask for the colors like I had been doing to her.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Part of the first week of homeschooling

We are easing into homeschooling, so this week we took the book Goodnight Moon and suggestions from BFIAR to school this week.  Next week we will add more Kindergarten stuff for Sienna.  So we made a lap book and talked about the author.
 We started the week with "mush" (cream of wheat) for breakfast while reading the book.
 While Sienna practiced writing Ts, Ry made them with those Do-A-Dot markers.  The blog Confessions of a Homeschooler has printables for all the letters for the Do-A-Dot markers.
 Sienna used those to find the words in the rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle and would dot them.
 While Ry colored and pasted pictures from the rhyme to make a book.
 They learned the difference between "single" and "a pair".
 Sienna made her own clock so we could begin practicing telling time.
 Rhyming word match from Goodnight Moon.
 I would put paper stars on the sheet & they would take turns counting them and them picking the appropriate number to put in the square at the bottom of the sheet.
 Read Goldilocks and then had Ry match each bear to the appropriate items from the story, then talked about "big", "medium", & "small"
 Talked about & watched a video about the phases of the moon.  Then we made the phases from Oreos (we didn't go into waxing & waning).  Their favorite part was eating the Oreos.  When I said ok now you can eat the Oreos, they said, "what's an Oreo?"  They haven't had Oreos before and I guess they just thought of this as "moon cookies."
 They sequenced the Goodnight Moon story.  With Ry I read the story as she put the cards in order.

 We painted Ry's hand print onto one set of mittens to match the colored mittens.  Then she matched the colors & clothes pined them together.  After she had that done we played "red mitten, red mitten, what do you see?  I see a _____mitten looking at me."  She very much enjoyed that.
 Many of the printables we got from homeschool creations or homeschool share.  And a few ideas from delightful learning.
I will post the rest tomorrow.  I will not be posting every week of our homeschooling.  After this it will be just a few photos about that every once in awhile.