Sunday, September 2, 2012

The rest of the Goodnight Moon activities

They did some worksheets from the Harper Collins website:
They have a lot of worksheets & coloring pages for different children's books.  They also had a goodnight moon coloring page they kids could color on the computer.  Ry had a hard time with the mouse at first since she's never been on the computer, but she got it after a few tries.

 They played Match-It Rhyme.  With Sienna's help Ry made some matching word pairs too.

 We talked about making different colors by mixing the primary colors and after they mixed the blue & yellow paint even Ry hasn't forgotten that blue & yellow make green.

 This was our lapbook for Goodnight Moon.  Say & clap was learning syllables of words in the story.  We also related a bible verse to Goodnight moon that we read each day. 

 Sienna played memory but had to match rhyming words instead of the same picture.  Ry had to choose objects that were circles from a pile of pictures and glue them on the I Spy circle.  We also took animals from the story and learned an interesting fact about them, such as cows having 4 stomachs.
 They each illustrated the story & narrated it and then we glued it to the green cardstock they painted.  I prompted Ry with a couple questions for her narration.

 We watched another video about what made craters on the moon & then the girls used those magnet ball to make craters in powdered sugar.  Craters were noticeable on the camera, but when I uploaded it it wasn't.
 Then they made moons.  We mixed flour with the paint then used a water bottle to make the craters so the moon had texture.  We also made moon pies.  Ummm no picture, they taste ok, but they look awful.  That part didn't go to well.  Now Sienna is calling me the "moon teacher."