These are all from the dinner with the princesses at Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom. I'd never seen Sienna so excited, so glad we spent the money on this cause her reactions were priceless!

Sienna, Lauren, & Ashley

I told Sienna to do "her princess smile."

Then I asked Rylie to give us her princess smile. This is what we got :)

1 of her 2 favorite princesses

Her other favorite princess.

I love the way Sienna is looking at Ariel.

This is the only princess or character Rylie let get next to her the entire time at Disney.

The entire dinner this is how Sienna sat. She had to watch the princesses the entire time so she ate almost nothing, but it was soooo worth it.

She did manage to turn around for the dessert (decorate your own cupcake).
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