Friday, July 1, 2011

Duluth, MN

The whole bridge raises up to let boats through. This is how low the bridge is normally.
Duluth was a freezing 50 degrees & rainy, needless to say we were freezing! And since I thought, "hey, its summer" I didn't bring pants for us. We were lucky to have jackets, which I only had cause the plane gets chilly.

Rylie handled the cold better than Sienna. Does Sienna's face tell you how well she's handling it? She cried when we had to get out of the car, saying, "I don't want to get out of the car, its too cold!" She also that day told us, "I think I'm allergic to cold weather."

I was surprised how much they loved the museum about the lakes, & boats, engines, and the Army Corp of Engineers. I use to think these things were boring when I was that young. Sienna especially was really into it. She quietly sat thru 3 movies about the Army Corp of Engineers & was really into the models of the Great Lakes, and the area that showed you what the different classes of cabins for travelers looked like on the cargo ships.

This part caused some fighting. They each wanted to turn the wheel the opposite way.

Looking at a foggy Lake Superior.


Paul said...

I guess they still had fun even though it was winter weather an not summer weather.