Thursday, September 11, 2008

15th month appt

So Sienna had her 15th month check-up the other day.  First time with the new doc here & Sienna responded fairly well to her.  She had a good approach and would look in Mommy's ear then in Sienna's, etc.  She was 31 inches tall (77th percentile) and 21 lbs 9 oz (32nd percentile).  

The Dr. is concerned about her low weight & was asking my about her eating.  I swear she eats a lot and almost anything that's put down in front of her.  Family & friends can attest to this.  And if she finishes before we do she then wants the food off of our plates.  I'm hoping she's just taking after Paul with the tall & thin thing and nothing's wrong.  We'll see where she's at in 3 months and I was told to feed her as often as she wants, which we already do.  She's just always climbing & running.  I hope its just that she's burning it off.

She got 3 shots and this is sad, yet cute:  All day she would  point to her thighs & say "owie" & then start crying.  I would comfort her, then she'd go play for awhile & then stop, point to her thighs & say "owie" again & then start crying.  It was hard crying too.  The cycle went on till bedtime every 30 min to 1 hr or so all afternoon.  She definitely has the concept of "owie".  It was just so funny how she'd stop playing & remember it every so often.  That night when reading Humpty Dumpty when we got to the picture of the cracked egg with the band-aids on his head she pointed to his band-aids and said "owie" & then bent down & gave Humpty a kiss on his "owie".