Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sienna learning to hula.

Sienna is absolutely not shy at all and a group of Japanese tourists were getting a hula lesson, before I could stop her she said, "Mommy I want to learn hula." and was in the middle of the tour group's hula lesson.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Likeke trail to Pali Falls

Wonderful, shady, 1.7 mile hike with a great views and ends at a waterfall. Very, very muddy hike though! The kids loved it cause there were lots of fun interesting trees to climb on & through.

The mud is very slippery, she kept falling.

For part of the hike we were hiking on an old carriage road. Very cool. I like to imagine what it must've been like to ride this road up the mountain in a carriage so long ago.

Here we got back off the old carriage road to some more muddy, slippery trails.

Lunch at the waterfall.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sienna's artwork & silly Rylie

Rylie has found another use for the slinky.

Sienna's artwork has so greatly improved in a year! This was from Jan 2011. She was Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween & it just so happened a neighbor was the Big Bad Wolf & it scared her to death! So she was still drawing about it in January. She said the red was her as Little Red Riding Hood & the gray was the Wolf. Everything was just scribbles a year ago.

This says "Mommy & Daddy come back when I'm four." She would say that a lot because when Paul left we kept telling her he would be back when she turned 4, and were lucky enough to have him her for her birthday.

This is March 2011 so it's getting better. I can sort of see the frog & pond that she said this is.
Summer 2011 it really begins to improve.

Dec 2011. And I love that she tried to sound out & spell Ariel on her own (Ariol, pretty good for 4 I think!).

She has also come to love using those pre-cut foam shapes to create things. I think the cat looks cute the way she has its head tilted.

She got a goldfish she named Bubble Fishy. She drew this a few days ago for him for Valentine's Day, which is why she put a heart on it. Then she propped it up against the side of the fish tank so, "Bubble Fishy can see it."

On Friday she drew this and said, "It's the American Flag & the Christian Flag & me, Sienna, reaching for the Bible." (I love how she always says, "me, Sienna" as if we don't know me means her). She's really coming to love drawing, arts & crafts. Too bad Mommy is so uncreative & has no art ability.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Staying up past not so fun after all!

Two nights ago the kids were awful about going to bed. They kept getting up, running around the room, jumping on the bed, so Paul told them, "Fine you want to be up then you can be up, but you have to walk up and down the stairs and that's all you're allowed to do." Sienna was crying & begging to go to bed after the 4th trip down & back up. "Daddy stop please! I hate this! I'm tired! I just want to go to bed!" Rylie didn't break until about trip #7, but he made them keep going until they went up & down 10 times. Then they went back to bed & never got up again.

Last night Sienna was good, but Rylie tried it again. When she learned the same thing would happen she didn't think that was fun.

Tonight not a peep after they were in bed. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rylie's photo session......Just for you MeMa!

We finally got around to trying to get a photo of Rylie looking at the ocean for you. Just let me know which one you want & I'll email it to you so you can print it.

Ok she's not looking at the ocean on this one, but I couldn't resist posting it. She's so happy to have spotted something in the ocean.