Today we went hiking with some friends. The kids did great, until the end. On our way out Sienna sat on a huge fallen over tree. She was sitting near the roots and slipped off. All we could see was her chest & up, she was screaming & bracing herself with her arms against the tree trunk & the ground. Thank God she instinctively put her arms out to do that & was able to do it until Debbie & I got there (we were a little behind helping the little ones up the hill). When we pulled Sienna out we couldn't see the bottom of the hole it was so deep. Very scary for all of us. Sienna is quite scraped up, but is ok. On the way home, in the car her friend Hailey said, "Sienna I don't ever want you to fall in a hole again."
The big girls refused any help crossing the river.


Our 4 little hikers.

Sienna with her friend Hailey & Rylie's friend Holly. Rylie was refusing to be in the picture.

Jackass Ginger Pool.
The local kids come down to jump in for swimming using the rope swings to jump in.