Paci: So 3 nights ago I forgot to give her her paci when I put her down. As I went down to get it I was thinking how she wasn't crying, so I'd just wait till she cried to bring it to her. She never did, so I tried it again at naptime the next day. Didn't cry. So I just got ride of them all, thinking if she doesn't ever see them again it won't be a problem. She did ask for it last night & I told her she didn't need a paci anymore cause she was a big girl now. And that was the end of it. Wow! So much easier than taking it from Sienna & Rylie actually used hers more than Sienna.
Boots: You guys remember how Ashton was more into T-bone than Clifford, even though most kids are into the main character. I also remember how much Sienna was into Pete & how funny he was, instead of into Mickey. Well that's Rylie with Boots. Instead of Dora, she gets just so very excited over Boots. We have Dora & Boots bath toys & whenever Sienna says, "Rylie can you give me one of those please?" Rylie always gives her Dora & always chooses Boots. And she's always saying, "Yea, Boots!"
Rylie has a sense of humor: She has these PJs with cereal on them. Actually its a bowl & spoon with Froot Loop looking cereal & milk. So tonight when putting her to bed I said, "Now Rylie I don't want you eating any of that cereal on you shirt when your in bed tonight." She laughed hysterically, like those real belly laughs for a few minutes and then would pretend to eat some & laughed hysterically some more. I didn't even think she'd get the joke.