The parking lot on the right is where we started.
Juana & Terri making their way up.
Juana & Terri making their way up.
We didn't have to go over this part. There's a trail thru the hole in those trees on the left.
Terri crossing on top to make it over to where you can climb down to the puka. This part was the most narrow part of the ridgeline, which is why Terri decided to crawl.
Encouraging Terri to scale down the boulders to the puka.
To their left is a drop off. We all hung on to the trees on our right while crossing this narrow part.
Me standing on the narrow part they just crossed.
Another very narrow area with drop offs on both sides. Gotta pay attention on this hike.
Juana & Terri
See the tiny hole near the top of the ridgeline a little right of the middle? That's the puka that we just hiked to.
One of the 4th & 5th photos of us was from when we were by those telephone wires. This is just to show that from those wires on how much of the hike was right on the narrow ridgeline to the puka. Ok when I upload I guess you can't really she the wires, but they're right between those 2 sets of trees on the left.