Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hawaiian Railway ride

Cousin Ashton & Sienna on the train ride
After the 90 min ride they got to blow the train whistle. (Deafening)
Walking down the tracks.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ashton & Sienna at 3 Tables (this video is clear when I watch on my camera but blurry when I upload it...hmmm)

Day at 3 Tables Beach

Rylie & cousin Makenna
Makenna's 1st time in the ocean.
Sienna & Ashton had a blast playing together.


This rainbow was a big distraction for Sienna during swim lessons.
Sienna wants our new beach chair to be "her" chair to watch TV in.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sunset & kids watching movies on the hideaway bed.

Couple of sunset photos.
Sienna & Ashton watching a movie.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A few fun pictures.

The girls after swim lessons.
I love naked baby butts.
Sweet cousin Makenna.
Rylie checking out Makenna.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Birthday Party at the splash park.

This is from 2 weekends ago. Sienna's friend Celia had her 4th birthday at the splash park on post.

Most of Sienna's friends are 1-2 yrs older, so she always looks like a baby to me when she's next to them.
Enjoying the cake.
Must get every last crumb.
Paul took Ry Ry for a run while we were at the party. This always makes her sleep.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

More Sienna swimming

Sienna swimming

Rylie in swim lessons

Pictures from swim lessons.

Sienna practicing her float.
Watching Rylie swim.
I wish it was my turn. I'm so bored.
Rylie after swim lessons.